Treat Guinea pig/Guinea pig

Treats, yes, but in moderation!

In the kingdom of guinea pigs, if love comes through the stomach, treats are the messengers of this taste happiness. But be careful, if spoiling your little companion is a shared pleasure, at Le Petit Rongeur, we advocate moderation. Treats should complement a balanced diet, not replace it. For the well-being of your furball, a small treat per day is enough, alongside its daily ration of hay, fresh vegetables and specific pellets.

A feast of choice for special moments

Imagine your little companion's joy at discovering a tasty treat! At Le Petit Rongeur, we have brought together the best brands of treats for guinea pigs under one roof: Bunny Nature , Cunipic , Hamiform , and many others. With such a wide range of choices, from sticks to granules to dried fruits, every indulgent moment becomes an adventure. These treats, selected for their quality, are perfect for strengthening your bond while rewarding your furry friend.

When pleasure rhymes with health

Who said that pleasure and health cannot go hand in hand? Certainly not us, at the Little Rodent! Our treats are designed to not only be delicious but also beneficial to your guinea pig's health. Rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals, they contribute to a balanced diet while stimulating chewing activity, essential for the good maintenance of your companion's teeth. Offering a treat from us means pampering your guinea pig while taking care of its health.

Diversity for well-being

At Le Petit Rongeur, variety is our credo. With brands like JR Farm , Supreme , and Versele-Laga , we offer a diversity of treats that meets all tastes and needs. From dried vegetables enriched with vitamins to gnawing sticks that promote natural tooth wear, each product has been chosen to bring joy and well-being to your pet. Exploring our range opens the door to a world of flavors and textures that will delight your guinea pig's taste buds.

Advice for choosing and dosing

Because each guinea pig is unique, we are committed to helping you choose the most suitable treats. Age, health, taste preferences: our experts are here to guide you. And because love should never harm your health, we advise you on the ideal quantity to offer. A treat a day is the secret to a happy and healthy guinea pig, and it is with this in mind that we select each product offered on Le Petit Rongeur.


Treats, yes, but in moderation!

In the kingdom of guinea pigs, if love comes through the stomach, treats are the messengers of this taste happiness. But be careful, if spoiling your little companion is a shared pleasure, at Le Petit Rongeur, we advocate moderation. Treats should complement a balanced diet, not replace it. For the well-being of your furball, a small treat per day is enough, alongside its daily ration of hay, fresh vegetables and specific pellets.

A feast of choice for special moments

Imagine your little companion's joy at discovering a tasty treat! At Le Petit Rongeur, we have brought together the best brands of treats for guinea pigs under one roof: Bunny Nature , Cunipic , Hamiform , and many others. With such a wide range of choices, from sticks to granules to dried fruits, every indulgent moment becomes an adventure. These treats, selected for their quality, are perfect for strengthening your bond while rewarding your furry friend.

When pleasure rhymes with health

Who said that pleasure and health cannot go hand in hand? Certainly not us, at the Little Rodent! Our treats are designed to not only be delicious but also beneficial to your guinea pig's health. Rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals, they contribute to a balanced diet while stimulating chewing activity, essential for the good maintenance of your companion's teeth. Offering a treat from us means pampering your guinea pig while taking care of its health.

Diversity for well-being

At Le Petit Rongeur, variety is our credo. With brands like JR Farm , Supreme , and Versele-Laga , we offer a diversity of treats that meets all tastes and needs. From dried vegetables enriched with vitamins to gnawing sticks that promote natural tooth wear, each product has been chosen to bring joy and well-being to your pet. Exploring our range opens the door to a world of flavors and textures that will delight your guinea pig's taste buds.

Advice for choosing and dosing

Because each guinea pig is unique, we are committed to helping you choose the most suitable treats. Age, health, taste preferences: our experts are here to guide you. And because love should never harm your health, we advise you on the ideal quantity to offer. A treat a day is the secret to a happy and healthy guinea pig, and it is with this in mind that we select each product offered on Le Petit Rongeur.

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Questions / Réponses

Quelles friandises sont sûres pour les cochons d'Inde ?

Les friandises sûres pour les cochons d'Inde incluent des légumes frais comme les carottes, les poivrons, le concombre, et les petites quantités de fruits comme les pommes ou les fraises. Ces aliments fournissent des nutriments essentiels et sont faibles en calories.

À quelle fréquence peut-on donner des friandises aux cochons d'Inde ?

Les friandises doivent être données avec modération, constituant moins de 10% de leur alimentation quotidienne. Il est recommandé de limiter les friandises à quelques fois par semaine pour prévenir l'obésité et les problèmes dentaires.

Les fruits sont-ils de bonnes friandises pour les cochons d'Inde ?

Bien que les fruits puissent être donnés comme friandises, ils doivent être offerts en petites quantités en raison de leur teneur élevée en sucre. Des fruits comme les pommes, les poires, et les baies peuvent être donnés en petites portions une ou deux fois par semaine.

Comment savoir si une friandise est mauvaise pour un cochon d'Inde ?

Évitez les friandises contenant du sucre ajouté, du miel, des céréales, des noix, ou des graines, car elles peuvent causer de l'obésité et des problèmes dentaires. Les produits laitiers et les aliments à base de viande sont également à éviter, car les cochons d'Inde sont herbivores.

Les légumes peuvent-ils être considérés comme des friandises pour les cochons d'Inde ?

Oui, les légumes frais peuvent et doivent être utilisés comme friandises saines. Ils fournissent une source importante de vitamines et de fibres. Variez les légumes pour offrir une gamme de nutriments et garder l'alimentation intéressante pour votre animal.

Les friandises peuvent-elles aider à l'entraînement des cochons d'Inde ?

Les friandises sont un excellent moyen de renforcer les comportements positifs lors de l'entraînement des cochons d'Inde. Utilisez de petites quantités de légumes ou de fruits comme récompense pour encourager l'apprentissage de tours ou pour faciliter la manipulation et le toilettage.