Anti-parasitic Guinea pig/Guinea pig

Protect your Guinea Pigs with our Anti-parasitic Products

Because we love our pets, it is essential to take care of them and ensure their good health and well-being. Anti-parasite products for rodents will protect your little companions against fleas, ticks and other parasites, giving them the peace of mind they need. In addition to the risks of contracting diseases such as leishmaniasis transmissible to humans or Lyme disease, parasites can disrupt the peace of mind of your Guinea Pigs.

Types of Antiparasitics for Guinea Pigs

Treating your pet for parasites is essential, and there are several options to achieve this. You can opt for pipettes, sprays/powders or even food supplements. The pipettes offer protection for 3 to 4 weeks and are applied to the skin at the nape of the neck. The product then spreads over the rest of the animal's body. The sprays/powders are to be sprayed or sprinkled on the animal's coat, to be renewed every 3 to 5 weeks, thus keeping insects away and protecting your animal from bites or infestations. Antiparasitic supplements mix directly into your Guinea Pig's food during flea and tick periods, providing internal protection.

Environmental Treatment

In addition to treating your pet, it is essential to maintain a healthy environment for your Guinea Pigs. Cage pest control products are effective in controlling crawling and flying insects. Simply spray these products in the cage, once cleaned, before putting in clean litter. Proper cage hygiene is essential to ensuring a healthy and protected environment for your animals.

Choosing the Right Antiparasitic for Your Guinea Pig

To care for your pet, it is crucial to choose the right pest control product. Take into account criteria such as the weight and age of your Guinea Pig, the type of protection sought (internal or external, skin or as a dietary supplement), the duration of protection desired, as well as the type of parasites that you want to move away. By making the appropriate choice, you ensure the health and well-being of your precious companion.

At Le petit rodent, we offer you a selection of trusted anti-parasitic products to take care of your Guinea Pigs. Protect them from parasites while ensuring a healthy diet, rigorous hygiene and a clean, comfortable cage.


Protect your Guinea Pigs with our Anti-parasitic Products

Because we love our pets, it is essential to take care of them and ensure their good health and well-being. Anti-parasite products for rodents will protect your little companions against fleas, ticks and other parasites, giving them the peace of mind they need. In addition to the risks of contracting diseases such as leishmaniasis transmissible to humans or Lyme disease, parasites can disrupt the peace of mind of your Guinea Pigs.

Types of Antiparasitics for Guinea Pigs

Treating your pet for parasites is essential, and there are several options to achieve this. You can opt for pipettes, sprays/powders or even food supplements. The pipettes offer protection for 3 to 4 weeks and are applied to the skin at the nape of the neck. The product then spreads over the rest of the animal's body. The sprays/powders are to be sprayed or sprinkled on the animal's coat, to be renewed every 3 to 5 weeks, thus keeping insects away and protecting your animal from bites or infestations. Antiparasitic supplements mix directly into your Guinea Pig's food during flea and tick periods, providing internal protection.

Environmental Treatment

In addition to treating your pet, it is essential to maintain a healthy environment for your Guinea Pigs. Cage pest control products are effective in controlling crawling and flying insects. Simply spray these products in the cage, once cleaned, before putting in clean litter. Proper cage hygiene is essential to ensuring a healthy and protected environment for your animals.

Choosing the Right Antiparasitic for Your Guinea Pig

To care for your pet, it is crucial to choose the right pest control product. Take into account criteria such as the weight and age of your Guinea Pig, the type of protection sought (internal or external, skin or as a dietary supplement), the duration of protection desired, as well as the type of parasites that you want to move away. By making the appropriate choice, you ensure the health and well-being of your precious companion.

At Le petit rodent, we offer you a selection of trusted anti-parasitic products to take care of your Guinea Pigs. Protect them from parasites while ensuring a healthy diet, rigorous hygiene and a clean, comfortable cage.

  • 10 in stock
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  • 10 in stock
  • in replenishment
  • in replenishment

Questions / Réponses

Quels types de parasites affectent couramment les cochons d'Inde ?

Les cochons d'Inde peuvent être affectés par des poux, des acariens, et des parasites internes comme les vers. Ces parasites peuvent causer démangeaisons, perte de poils, irritations cutanées, et autres problèmes de santé.