Guinea pig/Guinea pig

The Fascinating World of the Guinea Pig at Le Petit Rongeur

Welcome to the space exclusively reserved for guinea pigs on Le Petit Rongeur, where every need of your little companion is anticipated and met. From premium food to custom habitat, specific care and entertaining games, we've rounded up top brands like Trixie , Zolux , and Bunny Nature to give your guinea pig everything they need to a fulfilled and happy life. Immerse yourself in a world where each product is carefully chosen for the well-being of your guinea pig.

A Balanced Diet for Little Foodies

Your guinea pig's health starts on its plate. That's why Le Petit Rongeur offers a variety of nutritious foods from well-known brands like Versele-Laga , Vitakraft , and Bunny Nature . From enriched pellets to delicious treats, everything is there to satisfy the most demanding palates and ensure a complete diet, rich in vitamin C and adapted to their specific needs.

Homes Designed for Comfort

Your guinea pig deserves a home where he feels safe and comfortable. Our selection of habitats ranges from spacious cages from Ferplast to modular enclosures from Savic , not forgetting the natural wooden cabins from Resch Nagerhaus for hiding and resting. Each habitat is designed to stimulate their curiosity and their need for exploration, while guaranteeing their comfort and safety.

Care and Hygiene: Priority to Well-being

The well-being of your guinea pig also requires paying particular attention to its health and hygiene. With care products from Biogance and Beaphar , and hygiene solutions from Chipsi and Francodex , your little companion will benefit from optimal protection against parasites and diseases, while living in a clean and healthy environment.

Games and Accessories: Stimulate their Curiosity

Your guinea pig's development would not be complete without a range of accessories and games to stimulate his mind and encourage physical exercise. Discover our tunnels, snack balls and activity toys from Trixie and Zolux , designed to enrich their daily lives and strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

Guinea pig/Guinea pig

The Fascinating World of the Guinea Pig at Le Petit Rongeur

Welcome to the space exclusively reserved for guinea pigs on Le Petit Rongeur, where every need of your little companion is anticipated and met. From premium food to custom habitat, specific care and entertaining games, we've rounded up top brands like Trixie , Zolux , and Bunny Nature to give your guinea pig everything they need to a fulfilled and happy life. Immerse yourself in a world where each product is carefully chosen for the well-being of your guinea pig.

A Balanced Diet for Little Foodies

Your guinea pig's health starts on its plate. That's why Le Petit Rongeur offers a variety of nutritious foods from well-known brands like Versele-Laga , Vitakraft , and Bunny Nature . From enriched pellets to delicious treats, everything is there to satisfy the most demanding palates and ensure a complete diet, rich in vitamin C and adapted to their specific needs.

Homes Designed for Comfort

Your guinea pig deserves a home where he feels safe and comfortable. Our selection of habitats ranges from spacious cages from Ferplast to modular enclosures from Savic , not forgetting the natural wooden cabins from Resch Nagerhaus for hiding and resting. Each habitat is designed to stimulate their curiosity and their need for exploration, while guaranteeing their comfort and safety.

Care and Hygiene: Priority to Well-being

The well-being of your guinea pig also requires paying particular attention to its health and hygiene. With care products from Biogance and Beaphar , and hygiene solutions from Chipsi and Francodex , your little companion will benefit from optimal protection against parasites and diseases, while living in a clean and healthy environment.

Games and Accessories: Stimulate their Curiosity

Your guinea pig's development would not be complete without a range of accessories and games to stimulate his mind and encourage physical exercise. Discover our tunnels, snack balls and activity toys from Trixie and Zolux , designed to enrich their daily lives and strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

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